
About Us and How to Join Pack 631

Welcome!  See this 3 minute "Welcome to Cub Scouting" YouTube Video for a quick overview of Cub Scouting. Topics on this page are: 

Pack 631 is sponsored by Woodward Academy, and our Dens of boys and girls operate out of Woodward's Primary School (Lions, Tigers, Wolves and Bears in Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Grade), and Lower School (4th Grade Scouts are in a "Webelos" Den - "Webelos" is an acronym for "We'll Be Loyal Scouts"; and 5th Grade Scouts are in an "Arrow of Light" Den).  Parents lead the program -- and work together to help raise young people through Scouting adventures in their grade level "dens" and in the Pack.  Looking for Girl Scouts (the girl only program) at Woodward?  Email Anika Glenn.  But know that some girls do both Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts!

For Parents and Prospects: Pack 631 is a Volunteer Program run by Parents, supporting each other, and sharing the work and rewards; here's more of an overview of Cub Scouting

  • For the Program to work, we must have commitment from Parents, so that all Dens have enough regular leadership, and all Pack Roles are filled (and jobs shared). 
  • Every year some Den and Pack Leaders will "retire" from their commitments -- and other Parents must step up and help if the program is to run
  • To make that work, every Parent must agree to the "Every Parent Leads" commitment.
  • We've updated our FAQs (see Frequently Asked Questions About Pack 631 and How it Works), and you'll see that Pack 631's dens can make their schedules to fit the families in the dens -- some dens may meet once a month (often on a weekend day somewhere interesting around Atlanta) other dens may meet twice a month (maybe after school, maybe not) -- it's up to the families, because moms and dads lead the dens. 
  • At some grade levels, there may be more than one "den", with one meeting on a weekend schedule, and another on a weekday schedule -- it's up to the families. 
  • We don't do "Pack Meetings", but the Pack has weekend events like campouts, hikes, and other fun activities.  Please also see our photo site to get ideas about what we do.  And we want more girls to do Cub Scouting too!

Ask the Pack Chair or Pack Trainer if you have questions.. 

To sign up a new Pack 631 Scout (if you are not currently registered in Pack 631 -- if you were in last year, skip below to "sign up a returning Pack 631 Scout" -- if you're not sure, email webmaster@atlanta631.mypack.us), read the "Every Parent Leads" rules below and then:

First, registration and payment with the National Scouting America Organization (my.scouting.org) for a 12 month period

    1. Click this link
    2. If you (the adult) do not have an existing "profile" on that site (Username and Password), create one (and remember it for later).  If you have an existing "profile" on my.scouting.org, use that.  
    3. It will ask whether you're registering for yourself (as an adult volunteer) or for your child.  We do want adult volunteers (more below), so for registering your child, click "Start" under "Youth"
    4. It will ask if the child is a current or former Scout ... you'll probably click "No".  But if the answer is "yes", it will ask for your Scouting ID Number, needed to transfer a current paid registration as a free transfer.  If you don't know that Scouting America number, email webmaster@atlanta631.mypack.us and we'll try to sort it out for you. 
    5. That takes you to a "Tell Us About Your Child" page, and from there, follow the prompts, enter the information, and checkout and pay for your Scout Registration Fee and (if you want it) Scout Life Subscription through the remainder of this Calendar Year. This will cover your Scouting America Registration for the next 12 months -- you'll be prompted to renew as you get to the expiration of the 12 months.

Second, signup and payment here for Pack Program Fees (other Scouting Costs).  Pack Program Fees (sometimes called "dues") for the school or program year were $75 for all Scouts in 2024-25.  See this page to find out what the Program Fees pay, and this page about Uniform Stuff since we provide some pieces.  Our process for Paying Pack Program Fees involves: 

    1. Starting in the summer, click "Register" on the Calendar Entry called something like "2025-26 Pack Dues Payment". 
    2. Click the dropdown list of "Scouts", and scroll down to select your Scout's name.  If the name is not listed there, email webmaster@atlanta631.mypack.us and we'll add you.
    3. Click "Attending".  
    4. Then follow the prompts to Check Out and pay through PayPal.

If Pack Dues is an issue, contact the Pack Chair

Adults are encouraged to Register as Leaders or Committee Members (the cost included in your Scout's dues, and you get "Scouting Magazine" online), and adults who will have a Den or Pack Leadership role must Register.  Note: Cub Scout activities must have a minimum of two registered leaders in attendance -- so we need many parents to register as Leaders, Co-Leaders, Assistants and Committee Members.  To do that if you are not a currently registered Pack 631 leader who has maintained Youth Protection Training current (every year), which you take at my.scouting.org (remember your Username and Password when you access to complete Youth Protection Training): 

  1. If you do not have a current Scouting America registration number with current "Youth Protection Training", as shown at my.scouting.org, your Adult Application will prompt you to complete "Youth Protection Training" by taking the course at my.scouting.org).  Do this first.  Click My.Scouting where -- if this is your first use of My.Scouting -- you need to create a profile (Username and Password).  If you do it online now (or have done it recently on the same my.scouting.org profile), you should sync up right away in the online Adult Application step below.  
  2. Then, click this link for the Online Application.  It will take you to My.Scouting where you need to create a profile (Username and Password) if this is your first use of My.Scouting, and then to the Pack 631 Registration Page.
  3. It will ask whether you're registering for yourself (as an adult volunteer) or for your child, so click "Start" under "Adult".   
  4. That takes you to a series of pages for Basic and Background Information (Scouting America runs background checks), so follow the prompts, enter the information, and checkout and pay for your Scouting America Registration Fee through the remainder of this Calendar Year.  There is no "dues" cost to being a Leader; Leader fees are covered in the Pack Dues, so email the webmaster for a reimbursement.

If you want to print the YPT Certificate (you don't need to), at the end of the Course it will ask you for your "Council", and ours is "Atlanta Area Council", then enter your name on the final page, and 631 as the unit number, and follow the instructions to Print the Certificate - but if you complete the course all the way through, and then complete your Online Registration, you won't need a printed certificate.

There is no "dues" cost to being a Leader; Leader fees are covered in the Pack Dues, so email the webmaster for a reimbursement.  

To get an insight into Parent Leadership in Scouting, see our FAQ on Pack and Den Roles -- and please take Youth Protection Training on line at https://my.scouting.org/

Uniforms and Medical Forms.  For uniforms and equipment, our Pack is in the Atlanta Area Council, which has a Scout Volunteer Service Center and Shops to serve Parents and Leaders (or see this link for the closest store) -- but before you get "upsold" on those pieces, see this FAQ page that includes information about what we recommend you buy.  An Annual Health Form is required for Summer Camp and some other Scouting America events -- but for Den and Pack Meetings, please advise your Den Leader if your Scout has a health or other condition that needs attention.